Here we go! Our press kit and announcements ready to share.
Event: Sketching in Practice Symposium 2020
Date: May 9th, 2020
Location: Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Cost: $50.00 Accessible rate opportunities
Call for proposals: Now open until April 4th
Registration: Opens March 24th
Summary – The Sketching in Practice Symposium (SKiP) brings together people that think, ideate and communicate through drawing. This year, we are highlighting the voices of BIPOC practitioners. We are particularly interested in learning about Indigenous ways of thinking and knowing. SKiP encourages proposals from fields such as education, dance, design, visual art, anthropology, science, architecture, geography, virtual reality, literature, graphic recording, film making, among others that explore sketching as a transformative practice.
We are excited to share our four part keynote series. Stay tuned for announcements in the coming days.
Press Documents
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